This week, I will dive deeper into what a merchant can do to imporive their SEO.

A link to part 1 is here (put a link here)

Internal Linking

Do you see what I just did? I linked another source in this blog. Sure, it was me, but google sees this as the other page and this one gaining some more authority, especially if you are linking to an already trusted and well-ranking site.

Check the Speed of your store

The speed of a store is very important, especially on mobile devices. Customers will not buy anything if they cannot even load your site. Use and tweak your site accordingly.

Some Shopify themes are better than others. See this page for more details: ​​

Conduct Keyword Research

As a merchant, you need to know what people are searching. At least, in relation to your domain. Use tools such as Moz, Ahrefs, or Semrush to gather a list of keywords that would be great to make content around. Usually, the search terms with the most number of monthly searches are best for this.

Create great content

Now that you have a list of keywords, make great content for these keywords. And when I say “content”, I mean, tailor your selling pages to keywords that indicate an intention to buy from the customer, and your blog posts to keywords that indicate an intention to learn. Bonus tip here: do not just make blog posts for your store. Videos, especially ones from a trusted source, will go a long way in boosting your SEO ranking.

Look for opportunities for Backlinks

Backlinks are links from an external website to yours. Google sees this as your page having authority and you rank better because of it. Look at other blogs or creators. Reach out to them for opportunities for them to link to your site. It is often a win-win. The more backlinks you have, the better you will rank, which will result in more and better backlinks, resulting in a better ranking and so on and so forth.

Alberto Gaucin

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